Thursday, January 13, 2011


Oh, I wish I was there now.
I can't believe it's January 13th and I am still in Indiana (yes it was planned to still be here until the end of January). I can't wait to get back to Morgan. It was 17 freaking degrees last night. I can't believe I lived here most of my life and didn't wake up one day and say "why am I here?".There is warm weather, crystal clear water, and wind waiting in Florida. I need to find a winning lottery ticket on the sidewalk or something I won't buy one (voluntary income/stupid tax), but it would be nice to win. I can see light at the end of the tunnel though. We will be back to Morgan on Feb. 1rst. if not sooner or Sharon will have to put me in the mental hospital. OK, there's my rant, I feel better now.