Well, nothing important going on here. Just cleaned up the dishes from supper and was looking out the window at the sunset. It got me to thinking about life in general and my life in particular. It was a good day today. We got up and I fixed us biscuts and sausage for breakfast. We went to church and then came home and wasted, I mean rested for most of the day. I fixed us a really good supper even if I say so myself. Back to the sunset, as I was watching it through the galley port it got me to thinking about life in general. I once heard a quote that said, "He who is content with what he has is allready rich". I whole heartedly agree with that. We do not have alot of worldly riches, but we are truely content with what we have. Another thing came to mind as I was contemplating the beauty before me, and that was another thing I learned somewhere along the way "Find joy in the simple things". I can say I have found joy in simple things. We don't need a lot in this life. Just some one to love and love us back, flavorful food, and a comfortable place to sleep. The rest is just a distraction from what is important.
That is your free philosophy for the day.