Sunday, June 26, 2011

Women ask the dumbest questions!

                             Coming into Ocean Springs, MS one of our favorite places.

As you know we have been up north working to build up the cruising kitty. Two weeks in Alabama, two weeks in Kentucky, and about a month in Indiana. I could not even get a minimum wage job in Florida, much less something decent. We are just a few days from leaving to go back down to Morgan, then on Mexico for my daughters wedding, then back to Morgan and continue down the west coast of Florida.

We have a mobile home here in Indiana that we got after selling the house and getting rid of 90% of our junk. We have had it about a year and a half now. We did not want to burn all bridges when we left to go cruising. Take it easy and see if it is all it is cracked up to be. Well we are now ready to let it go. It is now up for sale. So I am getting it ready for the next person. Tonight I painted the kitchen. I put a second coat on the new baseboard that we will put down on Wednesday.

Here's where we get to the dumb question part. Sharon walks in while I am painting and asks "why didn't you do this for us? Why did we have the place for a year and a half, and now you paint it?" For the record ladies, a dumb question is #1. any question your husband does not have a quick answer for. #2. Your husband does not have a quick answer that satisfies you to the point that you do not ask another question. You just have to know we males are looking at the big picture and we have everything under control.

Well it is almost midnight, so I am going to bed, and hope Sharon doesn't read this till morning.



Mike and Sharon Dunsworth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike and Sharon Dunsworth said...

this is sharon...the walls look nice, should would have enjoyed them!

rachel said...

um, why was the first post removed by the author?? was it inappropriate for public viewing?? so many questions... however as i seem to remember, that has happened with the last 3 houses you have sold (i don't know about the trailer between house 1 and house 2 though...) sorry mom, you know what you say, the contractors house is the last one to get worked on, he's too busy working on everybody else's houses. ;)

Mike and Sharon Dunsworth said...

the first one deleted was my same comment but decided I need to identify it as being me since it said it was "mike and sharon"...haha. Yep, you are so right about it always happens with every car I have too...go figure! Sharon

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