Sunday, June 2, 2013

Interesting Phenomena

I have been meaning post about this for awhile but haven't taken the time, but it has been raining for a week now so I have lots of time.

When we were on our trip from Tavernier to Marathon we came across an area of water that looked totaly different from everthing around it. It was a lot lighter and just looked different. the charts did not show that it was shallow there. It was not due to sun or clouds. I do not know what caused it, but it was a strange sight to see. As we were coming up to it another boat was coming the oppiste direction. as they got close to it they went arround it. I decided to do the same thing. I went just right on the edge of it to get a better look at it. There was another boat following us. They went arround it as well. After we got to Marathon I was talking to my friend Ivan who has sailed all his life including crossing the Atlantic twice. He told me he had gone through one of those before. He did not know what caused it either, but he went through the middle of it with no surprises.

Normal seas that day.

Light area off in the distance.

Skirting the edge of it.

Beautiful, even if I don't know what it was.

Passing by it.

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