Sunday, March 11, 2012

We Made It

We arrived in Taverier at Boatman's Mangrove Marina about 11 am yesterday. It was a good trip. We left Fort Myers Shores Monday night at midnight and anchored in the Caloosahatchee River till dawn. We then went down the river to  San Carlos Bay and anchored there for two nights waiting for the wind to die down some. We left San Carlos Bay early Thursday morning and traveled 75 miles to Pavilion Key and anchored for the night. It was a very rocky rolly night. We left early the next morning and traveled about 80 miles to Mattecumbee Key and anchored for the night. It was a quiet and calm anchorage. The boat hardly moved at all. A nice change from the night before. We grilled some steak and had a very restful night. Friday morning we got up and traveled the remaining 20 miles to the marina.

It was a good trip, and no problems to speak of with Island Queen.
Me, Scott, and John.

IQ getting ready to back into her new slip.

Scott backing IQ into the slip while John and I got ready to fend off poles.

IQ in her new slip.

Our view from the bow in our slip.

Looking down our dock.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Glad you made it comfortably and safely! Now it's our turn. It looks like we'll have plenty of wind on Saturday, but we'll be sailing close hauled the entire way against that darned Winter East wind!

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